Thailand is a visa-free country for Russian citizens, but upon entry you will definitely have to fill out a migration card. It's quite simple, the only difficulty that sometimes arises for Russian citizens is that the map is in English. Therefore, it is useful to familiarize yourself in advance with what questions will need to be answered when filling out.

Step 1
Filling out a migration card is a prerequisite for entering Thailand. For children, the card is filled out by parents or guardians. If you are flying by plane, the flight attendants will hand out cards to you while on board the aircraft. It is best to fill out the migration card right there, so that on occasion you can ask for advice from the flight attendants or cabin neighbors if you are in doubt. There is no need to worry, a migration card is not a visa application form, it will not be examined as closely.
Step 2
The card is divided into 2 parts: Arrival means arrival, and Departure means departure. You will need to give the first part of the card at passport control upon entering the country, and the second part upon leaving. Usually, the second part of the migration card is attached by the passport control officers to the page with the entry stamp using a stapler so that the tourist does not lose it. If this was not done for you, then take care of the safety of the migration system yourself. You cannot lose it, this is a violation of the law, which can entail unpleasant consequences: a fine or lengthy showdowns with government officials.
Step 3
The card should be filled in in printed Latin letters, using a black or blue pen. In the place where you need to choose one of the options, put a check mark or cross next to the desired answer.
Step 4
The first part of the card concerns your personal data. These are Family Name, First Name and Middle Name. This is followed by the column Nationality (nationality), Male or Female (gender: you need to choose whether you are a man or a woman), Passport No (passport number) and Date of birth (date of birth).
Step 5
The following questions are about your visa and the purpose of your stay in Thailand. Visa No - visa number. If you do not have a visa (you only need it for a long-term stay), then do not write anything. Address in Thailand is the address where you will be living in Thailand. If you do not know yet, then ask one of the neighbors for the address of any hotel. Mono is also to look up some address on the Internet in advance. Flight or other Vehicle No - flight number. Signature should be signed in front of the Signature item.
Step 6
The border control of Thailand is also worried about other information. Type of flight - type of flight. Here you need to choose from the points: charter (charter flight) or shedule (regular flight). You will then be asked if you have been to Thailand before: First trip to Thailand. Select yes or no. Traveling on group tour? Answer options: yes or no. Then choose the type of accommodation in Thailand Accommodation from the following options: hotel (hotel or hotel), youth hostel (hostel), guest house (guest house is a small hostel hotel, bathroom on the floor), friend's home (visiting friends), apartment (rented apartment), others (another option). Tell us about the purpose of your visit Purpose of visit. Options: holiday, business, education, employment, transit, meeting, incentive, conventions), exhibitions (sightseeing), others (other options).
Step 7
Now tell us about yourself. Yearly income, options: below $ 20,000, from $ 20,000 to $ 40,000, from $ 40,001 to $ 60,000, from $ 60,001 to $ 80,000, from $ 80,001 and above. The No income option assumes that you do not work and have no income. Occupation field translates to profession. It is helpful to find out in advance how your profession is spelled in English. Country of residence - country of residence, City / State - city of residence, Country - country of citizenship. From / Port of embarkation - where you came from. Next city / Port og disembarkation is where you arrive in Thailand.